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Sunday, May 5, 2024 • Pastor Joe
After an interlude which answered questions about the salvation of individuals during the Great Tribulation, the scene in Heaven continued with Trumpets detailing the cataclysms associated with the sixth seal.
Sunday, April 28, 2024 • Pastor Joe
After the sixth seal had revealed its judgment, John saw a new vision involving a numbered group divinely sealed for protection and an unnumbered larger group standing before the Throne. What connection exists between the two groups?
Sunday, April 21, 2024 • Pastor Joe
Now that the Lamb has taken the seven-sealed scroll (5:1-14), God's judgment of the world commences. Last week, we studied the first half of the Tribulation (6:1-8). Today, we look at the breaking of the fifth and sixth seals and the events corresponding to the second half of Tribulation, known as the Great Tribulation.
Sunday, April 14, 2024 • Pastor Joe
Now that the Lamb has possession of the seven-sealed scroll, God's judgment of the world is ready to commence. Today we look at the breaking of the first four seals unveiling the events associated with the first half of the Tribulation.
Sunday, April 7, 2024 • Pastor Joe
We remain before Heaven's Throne in chapter 5 to observe a new character who takes center stage in God's Judgment.
Sunday, March 31, 2024 •
Because it is Easter, we pause in our study of Revelation to focus on Jesus' resurrection and its implication upon all people, especially Christians.
Monday, March 25, 2024 • Dennis Poulette
Join Guest Speaker, Dennie Poulette, as he shares insights from Matthew 21 and Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.
Sunday, March 17, 2024 • Pastor Joe
We resume our study of Revelation with a change in vision venue. Revelation 4:1 begins a new section with John called from earth to heaven to spiritually "see" what must take place after Jesus judged His Church.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 • Pastor Joe
The Church's mysterious absence after Revelation 3 and reemergence in chapter 20 begs an important question, Why? The answer that many people, including your Pastor, have reached is our invitation to THINK DEEPLY this morning.
Sunday, March 3, 2024 • Pastor Joe
We conclude our study of Jesus' letters to the seven churches. Today we examine His letter to the Church at Laodicea, a church that was neither cold nor hot. Remember that the seven churches represent ALL Churches during the Age between Messiah's Advents.
Sunday, February 25, 2024 • Pastor Joe
We continue our study of Jesus' letters to the seven churches. Today we examine His letter to the Church at Philadelphia, a church that was faithful despite its small size. Remember that the seven churches represent ALL Churches during the Age between Messiah's Advents.
Sunday, February 18, 2024 • Pastor Joe
We continue our study of Jesus' letters to the seven churches. Today we examine His letter to the Church at Sardis, a church which had "a name" signifying spiritual life, but in reality they were spiritually dead. Remember that the seven churches represent ALL Churches during the Age between Messiah's Advents.
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