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What to Expect

Our worship service is held on Sunday mornings at 10:30AM. This is our most important gathering of the week! The service usually lasts until 12 Noon.

We enjoy being together in the presence of God and it shows. We want you to get the most out of your visit so we've provided a few tips to ensure an enjoyable visit:

  • Dress comfortably. Dress is casual. You may wear a suit or coat and tie if that is what you're accustomed to, but even our Pastor preaches in khakis and a polo. 
  • Plan to arrive a few minutes early. Refreshments are provided on the Fellowship Porch until the service begins. This is a great opportunity to meet our church family and register at the Hospitality Table for events and special studies.
  • Bring your Bible and prepare to take notes. Pastor Joe preaches expositorily which means that he teaches "verse-by-verse" through whatever book of the Bible we're currently studying as a congregation. Bibles are available in the chair racks if you do not have a copy or left yours at home. Sermon outlines are available in the entry way for the sermon.  You may want to check out one of Pastor Joe's sermons to see if we are in the middle of a series. Just click on the MEDIA page. 
  • Sing your heart out. To prepare our hearts to receive God's Word, we usually sing five songs of praise and worship. Lyrics are projected onto flat screen monitors, large enough for all to see. Our music is best described as "blended" with contemporary choruses and timeless hymns.
  • Leave your wallet or purse at home. Giving is for members only. Do not feel obligated to put anything in the offering plates. Your gift is your presence with us. Church members believe that the offering is a vital part of their worship experience.
  • Children are welcome! We believe that children need to have authentic worship modeled for them so all children join the church family in our time of musical praise. Children, ages birth through 12 leave after the final "offertory" song with workers for a special age-appropriate message in another building. Parents may register their children prior to the beginning of the service at the Hospitality Table. Ask for a tour of the children's area and meet the workers.

The Lord's Supper

The Lord's Supper (a.k.a. Communion) is held approximately every six weeks and is a part of the Sunday morning service.


Questions? Reach Out to Us


Grow to be more like Jesus through learning and studying the Bible.


Find ministry opportunities to do something for others with your time and talents.


Impact others outside of our area and spread the Word through missions and outreaches.


Fellowship with others and build uplifting relationships in a fun, family environment.

600 19th Street · Palm Harbor, FL 34683 · (727) 786-2505 ·