Missed a powerful sermon or eager to revisit a message that spoke to your heart? Look no further! Our Church Media page is your portal to a treasure trove of inspiration. Dive into the wisdom and teachings shared during our past sermons, available for convenient selection and viewing below.
Sunday, July 10, 2022 •
The Twelve had undergone extensive training by Jesus, but were they ready to "fly solo" on mission as His official representatives? What is more crucial to ministry success than academics?
Sunday, July 3, 2022 •
Jesus has one more lesson for the Twelve prior to their mission.
Sunday, June 26, 2022 •
Jesus continues His training the Twelve for their future mission. Having demonstrated His sovereignty over the physical and spiritual realms, Jesus has one more realm of His sovereignty to show His disciples.
Sunday, June 19, 2022 •
Jesus continues training His disciples for their future mission (ch. 6). One source of opposition would be invisible yet intimidating! How do we handle this unseen enemy? What perspective must we hold?
Sunday, June 12, 2022 •
In today's passage, Jesus transitions His disciples from the classroom (4:1-34) into the "laboratory of life" where He begins testing their faith in preparation for future ministry.
Sunday, June 5, 2022 •
Jesus began preparing His disciples for their preaching ministry (cf. 3:14). These principles would prove essential for understanding the disciple's role and expectations in evangelism.
Sunday, May 29, 2022 •
Jesus' call of the Twelve points to our own calling as disciples. What is the World's view of our discipleship? Would we find it surprising, and what should be our response?
Sunday, May 22, 2022 •
Jesus' conflict with the Pharisees over Sabbath-keeping was so intense that it would eventually lead to conspiracy for His murder. God gives laws (like the Sabbath), but how should disciples view them?
Sunday, May 15, 2022 •
In today's passage, Jesus calls Levi (a.k.a. Matthew) to be a disciple. Levi immediately throws a party to introduce his friends, and fellow social outcasts, to meet Jesus. Is his excitement shared by many Christians today?
Sunday, May 8, 2022 •
Jesus performed many miracles during His earthly ministry, but His greatest miracle was not witnessed by human eyes.
Sunday, May 1, 2022 •
Followers of Jesus (a.k.a. disciples) minister to people's physical, emotional, AND spiritual needs (1:16-39), but are there limits to our ministerial reach? In today's passage, a leper questioned Jesus' desire to heal. Jesus' response provides another lesson in ministry to His followers.
Sunday, April 24, 2022 •
Jesus is trustworthy of being followed (1:1-15), but what exactly does following Jesus as our leader mean? In today's passage, Jesus calls four of the eventual twelve disciples. In their calling and response, we observe marks of discipleship.
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