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Sunday, March 19, 2023 •
In Act 1 Scene 1, Hosea obeyed God and married Gomer, a woman with an adulterous heart. This marriage symbolized God's experience of Israel's spiritual adultery (idolatry). By the third child, the marriage covenant (the Mosaic Law) was threatened with dissolution. In this scene, readers attend "Divorce Court." As before, God offers hope to His people.
Sunday, March 12, 2023 •
Hosea is the second longest of the Minor Prophets (only Zechariah is longer). Although not much is known about him, this prophet, whose name means "salvation," dramatically (and painfully) presented God's prophecy to the northern Kingdom of Israel (755-715 B.C.).
Sunday, March 5, 2023 •
The Psalms were Israel's inspired hymnal. We don't know the tunes to which they were sung, but like any worship song, the words are the most important feature. Psalm 147 is the second of five Hillel psalms that close out Israel's psalter and posits reasons for remaining steadfast in recovering what was lost as a result of divine discipline.
Sunday, February 26, 2023 •
We conclude our study of Mark's Gospel today with an examination of Jesus' resurrection. Also, since many scholars believe that Mark's Gospel ended abruptly at v 8, we will address this controversy. Mark's Gospel ended with the author's version of "Show and Tell."
Sunday, February 19, 2023 •
Since we recently completed our study of Jesus' crucifixion in Mark's Gospel, some might be surprised to know that there have been various interpretations postulated about HOW Jesus' death accomplished atonement. Today's study invites us to THINK DEEPLY about this issue.
Sunday, February 12, 2023 •
Today we complete our study of the faithfulness of Jesus. We learn a final principle that will help His followers remain faithful to the end.
Sunday, February 5, 2023 •
We continue our study of the faithfulness of Jesus in completing the mission the Father had set for Him. By studying Jesus' faithfulness, we learn principles that will help us to remain faithful to the end of our time on earth. This is the third of four parts.
Sunday, January 29, 2023 •
We continue our study of the faithfulness of Jesus in completing the mission the Father had set for Him. By studying Jesus' faithfulness, we will learn principles that will help us to remain faithful to the end. This is the second of four parts.
Sunday, January 22, 2023 •
Today we begin a four-week study of the faithfulness of our Savior to complete the task the Father had set before Him. By studying His faithfulness, we will learn things that will help us remain faithful to the end
Sunday, January 15, 2023 •
Knowing His death was near, Jesus desired to spend one more Passover with His disciples. Jesus transformed the annual meal celebrating Israel's deliverance from Egyptian bondage into a celebration of His own sacrifice for deliverance from the bondage of sin. This ritual, now celebrated by all of God's people, remembers three things.
Sunday, January 8, 2023 •
Mark's Gospel marches its audience unflinchingly to the cross. In this scene, Jesus's death is again symbolically announced with a private pre-memorialization. How can we likewise honor Jesus' death?
Sunday, January 1, 2023 •
The Psalms were Israel's inspired hymnal. We don't know the tunes to which they were sung, but like any worship song, the words are the most important feature. Psalm 88 has been called, "the saddest psalm in the psalter" because the author received no answer to his prayer.
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